As JUNKO kits tick many boxes... they're craft kits, STEM toys and ecofriendly too so they attract a bit of attention. They have featured on TV and have received prestigious acclaim and awards from the likes of Made for Mums, Mumsnet, European Product Design Awards, Good Play Guide, Deutschland Favorit.
Pete, who invented JUNKO, after he and his sons came up short when they got to the wheels on a junk model car they were making, has showed off some craft ideas on Steph's Packed Lunch, and Breakfast TV.

Made for Mums: JUNKO Zoomer! Kit
Made for Mums Editor's Choice Award 2022 'Best for Eco-Creativity' (toys are tested by 600 children and parents - only 10 receive an Editor's Choice Award)
The JUNKO Zoomer! Kit is also No.1 on the Made for Mums 'Best STEM Toys' list
Mumsnet: JUNKO Zoomer! Kit

- Good for the environment and teaches about upcycling
- Encourages creativity
- Neatly packaged in a cardboard tube
- Fitting all the parts back into the tube after use may take time
Our all new JUNKO kits... great for kids - kind to the planet
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